Blog Archives: 2024

Accurate estimates can make or break a GC's success. Simply factoring in your employees' hourly wages and projected work hours won't cut it. This leads to underpriced projects and profit leaks. For a healthy bottom line,you need to calculate the fully accounted labor rate of your employees.
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Bidding on construction projects can sometimes feel like a gamble. You pour hours into detailed proposals, only to lose out to competitors, giving away your valuable time for free. But what if there was a way to get paid for your time and expertise even before the project starts and help ensure the client gets exactly what they want? That's where the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) comes in—a game-changer for GCs tired of the endless bidding cycle. Architects and engineers use PSAs all the time, and so can you!
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Winning projects is EXCITING! But one often overlooked area that can significantly impact your success in winning these projects is your client intake process. A weak intake process can lead to a domino effect of problems, but having a well-defined intake process will make a good first impression, qualify leads effectively, and ensure you come prepared for the sales and leave a lasting impression with potential clients. So, why is a solid intake process so crucial for GCs?
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You're not alone. Poor client expectation management can quickly sour even the most promising project, turning dream projects into profit-draining nightmares. But there's hope! By identifying the 5 key red flags before they derail your construction project, you can steer clear of client mishaps and navigate towards smooth sailing and satisfied customers.
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While whispers of recession fill the air, we see opportunity at The Aspire Institute for Contractors. Don't be caught in the cold: learn to thrive in any climate with our coaching designed for residential remodelers and new home builders like you.
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